A Bright Way To Keep Out The Cold Winds & Snow In The Winter… Take Them Off When Things Warm Up! |
 Live somewhere cold? No problem, we’ve got you covered. Almost every breed of adult chicken when kept dry and out of the wind chill are very, very cold hardy… even in sub zero temperatures. So if you can keep the water from freezing, the snow from accumulating in the run areas and keep sub zero winds off your flock… they’re good to go. And our Storm Panels let in critical light during short winter days. Attach and detach 3D-printed retaining clips from wired panels. |
Coop waterers are shipped with a slotted cap that allows the water to breathe air as the water goes down. |
We make the slot big enough to allow a cord of an immersible heater to go through too. |
See the Easy-Fill Waterer & Storm Panel accessory pages for your model coop for more details. There are links to buy the heaters that fit from Amazon or other stores. |
Have questions or comments regarding anything mentioned in this blog post? Please feel free to email us at support@roostandroot.com or give us a call at 877-741-2667. We’re real people and are always happy to help.
Interested in reading more? Check out our article “All about your Chicken Coop Storm Panels“.