Buy top quality chicken feeders made in the USA at Roost & Root. Built specifically for the Round-Top Backyard Chicken Coop M1. On sale today for $89.
$79/Ea – Zone Shipping from $49
SKU 122

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Buy the Easy Fill Feeder for Backyard Chicken Coop M1, a top quality chicken feeder made in the USA at Roost & Root. Built specifically for the Round-Top Backyard Chicken Coop M1 series. On sale today for $79.
Sale Price $79.00Buy now, and this product ships in 5-7 Business Days .Shipping is calculated in the cart once you’re finished shopping.
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Key Points
Custom Made to Match Your Coop
Holds ~ 7 lbs of typical layer crumbles New Ez-Fill² Design is more clog resistant 4+ days for 6 adult hens Designed for use with adult birds (use brick for juveniles) Food is dispensed by gravity into a serving tray Weather resistant Easily cleaned and sanitized for bio security No-Poop vertical tower design Gravity Feeders
A note about gravity-style feeders…
Our new EZ-Fill Feeder² is improved and will easily hold a long weekends worth of food. Gravity feeders are a class of feeders that, as the name implies, rely on gravity to dispense feed. Chickens eat, and more falls down. ANY gravity feeder can clog, although our new EZ-Fill Feeders² fight this tendency.In high humidity areas, with certain feeds, during certain seasons of the year, our feeders can clog too. If a feeder did clog, shaking the feeder will almost all the time dislodge the food. Feed absorbs moisture. Some feeds contain anti-clumping agents to keep them from absorbing moisture during manufacturing and those feeds do best. Many times, more expensive organic feeds do not have anti-clumping agents in them, and are in fact, more susceptible to clogging. Experiment with different feeds that are available in your area to discover what’s best. But you will no doubt, sooner or later, need to shake tap, or poke at the feed to dislodge it. Customers report feed stored in original paper feed bags clogs less. At least with our Easy-Fill Feeders, you’re doing it from outside the coop 🙂 Compatibility Note
Please Note: We have customers who from time to time purchase our accessories to use with non-Roost & Root products. Due to the custom nature of our accessories design and fabrication, we cannot warrant the suitability of their use outside their intended purpose.Shipping Rate Notice
Please Note: This accessory ships for free when purchased with a coop due to bulk rate shipping on packages. * Zone based per item rate calculated in cart starting from shown price.